Nartov A.K. (1693 -1756), mechanic
Nartov A.K. (1693 -1756), mechanicCategories / Tsarskoe Selo and town of Pushkin. The digital chronological reference book/Pushkin personality References: Данилевский В. В. Нартов и "Ясное зрелище машин". М.; Л., 1958; Гизе М. Э. Нартов в Петербурге. Л., 1988. V. V. Cheparukhin. Persons
Nartov Andrey Konstantinovich
Peter I, Emperor Bibliographies
Данилевский В. В. Нартов и "Ясное зрелище машин". М.; Л., 1958
Гизе М. Э. Нартов в Петербурге. Л., 1988 The subject Index
Russian Academy of Sciences
Hermitage Military Historical Museum of the Artillery, Engineering and Signal Corps Holy Annunciation Church (Eighth Line of Vasilievsky Island) Necropolis of the18th Century |