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Entries / Isidore's House for Paupers

Isidore's House for Paupers

Categories / Social Life/Charity

ISIDORE'S HOUSE FOR PAUPERS, one of the oldest charitable establishments in St. Petersburg. It was opened in 1823 in Kolomna (present-day 105 Rimskogo-Korsakova Avenue) for care of the poor; it was subordinated to the Imperial Philanthropic society. In 1856-57 Isidore's House for Paupers was extended, and called Isidore's in 1873 in honour of Mitropolitan Isidore. In 1892 the house moved into another building (architect A.V. Malov), which formed a single complex together with the Institute of the Blind, the asylum for deformed children and cheap apartment buildings (currently 22 Chkalovsky Avenue). Some 400 residents had at their disposal St. John the Sanctifier domestic chapel. After October 1917, Isidore's House for Paupers changed its name but retained its significance. During the siege of 1941-44 all the buildings suffered damage from artillery bombardment; in the 1960s they were demolished, and new buildings were built in their place.

References: Антонов В. В., Кобак А. В. Святыни Санкт-Петербурга: Ист.-церков. энцикл. СПб., 1996. Т. 3. С. 47-49.

V. V. Antonov.

Isidor (Yakov Sergeevich Nikolsky)
Malov Alexsey Vasilievich

Rimsky-Korsakov Ave/Saint Petersburg, city, house 105

Антонов В. В., Кобак А. В. Святыни Санкт-Петербурга: Ист.-церков. энцикл.: В 3 т. СПб., 1994-1996

The subject Index
Siege of 1941-44