Иванов В. А. Миссия Ордена: Механизм массовых репрессий в Сов. России в конце 20-х - 40-х гг.: (На материалах Северо-Запада РСФСР). СПб., 1997
Deportations, ethnic
DEPORTATIONS, ETHNIC were mass forced exiles of certain ethnic groups by the Soviet Government in the 1930-40s. The expulsion of 100 families of German colonists from Prigorodny District of Leningrad Region occurred during collectivization on 20
Former People
FORMER PEOPLE is the name for the operation against people who had earlier belonged to privileged social classes carried out in the course of the repressions of Kirov Stream
"Great Terror"
"GREAT TERROR", a term introduced by American historian Robert Conquest (1971), referring to mass repression in the USSR in 1937-38 (in Russia, it was traditionally called "ezhovshchina"
Kirovsky Stream
KIROVSLY STREAM is the unofficial name of large-scale persecutions in Leningrad after the murder of S.M. Kirov on 1 December 1934. A Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR was adopted on the day of the murder
Political Persecution
POLITICAL PERSECUTION refers to large-scale punitive measures organized by the Soviet Government from October 1917 on with a purpose of physical removal of real or potential political opponents