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Bibliographies / Некрылова А. Ф. Русские народные городские праздники, увеселения и зрелища, конец XVIII - нач. XX в. 2-е изд., доп. Л., 1988
Carrousels (merry-go-rounds)

CARROUSELS (MERRY-GO-ROUNDS), 1) popular amusement, device for riding at open-air festivites (also known as a “wheeling machine”). In St. Petersburg they were organised from the early 18th century on

Funfair Booths

FUNFAIR BOOTHS (Russian balagan, der. from Persian bala?ane - balcony, upper room), makeshift buildings for giving performances during popular carnivals. The first mentions of comedy sheds in St

Popular Carnivals

POPULAR CARNIVALS, one of the forms of mass popular entertainment. In the 18th- 19th centuries up to 30 carnivals were arranged in St. Petersburg annually. Representatives of all the estates and even members of the royal family took part in them

Shrovetide carnivals

SHROVETIDE CARNIVALS, mass popular carnivals that took place in the 18th - early 20th centuries during Shrovetide. Along with the Easter carnivals, Shrovetide was the most pompous and crowded of all


SLIDES, structures erected for public amusement. They represent one of the essential elements of holiday popular carnivals (especially Shrovetide carnivals) in the 18th -19th centuries