Тихонов Л. П. Музеи Ленинграда. Л., 1989
Museum of Theatre and Music Art
MUSEUM OF THEATRE AND MUSIC ART, St. Petersburg State (6 Ostrovsky Square). The museum was established in 1918 in the former apartment of the Board of Directors of Imperial Theatres, and has been at this address ever since
Museums (general article)
MUSEUMS. Russia's first public museums appeared in St. Petersburg. In 1702 Peter the Great issued first orders on collecting and exhibiting high-quality models and various rarities
Nekrasov Memorial Museum Apartment
NEKRASOV MEMORIAL MUSEUM APARTMENT (36 Liteiny Avenue) is a branch of Pushkin All-Russian Museum. The museum was opened in 1946 with the participation of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) on the poet’s 125th anniversary
Pushkin Dacha Museum
PUSHKIN DACHA MUSEUM (Pushkin Town, 2 Pushkinskaya Street) is a branch of the All-Russian Pushkin Museum. It was established in 1958 in the one-storied wooden building, which had earlier belonged to Court Valet Y
Rimsky-Korsakov Memorial Museum Apartment
RIMSKY-KORSAKOV MEMORIAL MUSEUM APARTMENT (28 Zagorodny Avenue, flat 39) is a branch of St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music Art. It was opened in 1971 with the support of Rimsky-Korsakov family