Юрий Тынянов: Писатель и ученый: Воспоминания. Размышления. Встречи. М., 1966
OPOYaZ (the Society for Studying Poetic Language), one of the trends of the formal school of literary criticism. The history of OPOYaZ started from the publication of the brochure by V. B. Shklovsky Resurrection of the Word (1914)
Tynyanov Y.N. (1894-1943), writer and literature historian
TYNYANOV Yury Nikolaevich (1894-1943), a philologist and writer. He lived in St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad interruptedly between 1912 and 1941, evacuated soon after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45