Русская литература и журналистика начала XX века, 1905-1917: Большевист. и общедемокр. изд. М., 1984
Literary journals (entry)
LITERARY JOURNALS. The genesis of the Russian literary journalism is associated with St. Petersburg, where in 1728-36 and 1738-42 circulated first and only journal in the Russian language at that time - Primechaniya k Vedomostyam (the name changed)
Luch (Ray), newspaper
LUCH (Ray) a newspaper of the Social Democratic Party and an organ of the Menshevik faction. Founded in September 1912 it was conceived as a counterbalance to the Bolshevik newspapers Pravda and Zvezda. Edited by L. Martov (real name Y. O
Pravda (The Truth), newspaper
PRAVDA (The Truth), a daily legal Bolshevik newspaper, was in operation from April 1912 until July 1914 and from March 1917, on account of censorship it repeatedly changed its name. The circulation fluctuated from 20,000 to a high of 100,000 copies