Мосты и набережные Ленинграда / Сост. П. П. Степнов; Авт. текста Ю. В. Новиков. Л., 1991
Bridges (entry)
BRIDGES, an integral part of the urban planning structure and architectural appearance of St. Petersburg. In 2002, the city numbered 342 bridges of various kinds and types; in Kronstadt: 5 bridges, Pushkin: 54 bridges, Petrodvorets: 51 bridges
Grilles (entry)
GRILLES. St. Petersburg boasts a number of unique metal grilles, created in the course of three centuries. Wrought grilles of bars with (sometimes gilded) decorative figures made from flat iron bars (the grille of the Ekaterininsky (Catherine)
Landings, Water (entry)
LANDINGS, WATER. Ship landings were present in St. Petersburg from the first years of its existence. Their location depended on the location and orientation of storage warehouses