Пунин А. Л. Архитектура Петербурга середины XIX века. Л., 1990
Architectural Styles (entry)
ARCHITECTURAL STYLES, recognizable systems of architectural compositional techniques, forms and decor, whose differences are caused by social and cultural environment, aesthetic preferences and the type of architectural culture of a particular epoch
Historical style (Eclecticism)
HISTORICAL STYLE (Eclecticism), architectural style of the 1830s-90s. The sense of Eclecticism is the free choice or the amalgamation of methods and motifs of a variety of historical styles, associatively expressing the purpose of buildings
Kushelev-Bezborodko, Houses of
KUSHELEV-BEZBORODKO, HOUSES OF (1-3 Gagarinskaya Street), architectural monuments of Eclecticism. The first house was built in 1774-1775 (unknown architect) for General I.I. Meller-Zakomelsky, in the 1830s it was bought by Count A.G