Петров Г. Ф. Дворец у Синего моста: Мариинский дворец в С.-Петербурге. СПб., 2001
City Self-Government
CITY SELF-GOVERNMENT, elected organs responsible for different aspects of city life. The beginning of City Self-Government was laid by Tsar Peter the Great, who set up the Town council in 1710 in St. Petersburg
Leningrad Soviet
LENINGRAD SOVIET (Leningrad City Soviet of People"s Deputies), the supreme authority on the terriory of Leningrad. It originated from Petrograd Soviet of working people and soldiers" deputies founded on February 27 (March 12 New Style)
Leuchtenberg Family
LEUCHTENBERG (v. Leuchtenberg), a ducal family in Russia, its founder was Duke M. Leuchtenberg. In 1852, the Leuchtenbergs were included in the Imperial Family under the title of Princes Romanovsky. Initially they were buried at the SS
Mariinsky Palace
MARIINSKY PALACE (6 St. Isaac's Square), an architectural monument of late Neoclassicism. It was constructed in 1839-1844 (architect A.I. Stakensсhneider) on the left bank of the Moika River, close to the Siny Bridge