Белов В. Ф., Гольдвассер Л. М. Реконструкция проспекта Карла Маркса и проспекта Энгельса: (Вчера, сегодня и завтра бывш. рабочих окраин Ленинграда) // Архитектура и стр-во Ленинграда, 1957
Engelsa Avenue
ENGELSA AVENUE, a part of Vyborgskoe Freeway until 1918, running from Novosiltsevsky Lane past Third Verkhny Lane; the avenue is an extension of Bolshoy Sampsonievsky Avenue. The avenue was called so in honour of German socialist F. Engels (1820-95)
Sampsonievsky Bolshoy Avenue
SAMPSONIEVSKY BOLSHOY AVENUE, named Samsonievskaya Street in 1739, then B. Samsonievsky Avenue in the early 19th century, receiving its present name in the late 19th century