Zhukovsky Rudolf Kazimirovich
Peterburgsky sbornik (Petersburg Collection), 1846
PETERBURGSKY SBORNIK (Petersburg Collection), published by N. Nekrasov (St. Petersburg, 1846). Among others it included works by V. G. Belinsky, Iskander (pseudonym of A. I. Herzen), V. F. Odoevsky, N. A. Nekrasov, F. M. Dostoevsky, I. I. Panaev, V
The Physiology of Petersburg, miscellany, 1845
THE PHYSIOLOGY OF PETERSBURG, parts 1 and 2, 1845, St. Petersburg, collected sketches, compiled of works of noted Russian writers under Nikolay Nekrasov's editorship in bookseller A. Ivanov's publishing-house