Veresaev (born Smidovich) Vikenty Vikentievich
writer , scientist
Botkin Memorial Hospital For Infectious Diseases
BOTKIN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES, city hospital number 30 (3/4 Mirgorodskaya Street) founded on the initiative Professor Y.P. Chudnovsky in 1882 as the Alexandrovskaya Municipal Barracks Hospital with 300 beds
Mir Bozhy (God's World), journal, 1892-1906
MIR BOZHY (God's World), (in 1906-18 Sovremenny Mir), a journal, appear in 1892-1918 under V. P. Ostrogorsky's editorship with А. А. Davydov as its publisher. The editorial office had its seat at 7 Razyezzhaya Street
Russkoe Bogatstvo (The Russian Wealth), journal, 1876-1918
RUSSKOE BOGATSTVO (The Russian Wealth), (in November 1914 - March 1917 Russkie Zapiski, a journal, circulated from 1876 until 1918 (originally as a journal of commerce, industry, agriculture and natural sciences
State University, St. Petersburg
STATE UNIVERSITY, ST. PETERSBURG (SPSU) (7/9 Universitetskaya Embankment) is one of the largest educational, scientific and cultural centers of Russia. The university comes from the Academic University
Zhizn (Life), journal
ZHIZN (Life), social-political, literary and scientific journal, published in St. Petersburg from January 1897 to April 1901 (until April 1899 it appeared three times a month, subsequently monthly), at various times edited and published by S. V