Minash Sima Isaakovich (Semen Isaevich)
Art Nouveau
ART NOUVEAU (from the French for "new art"), the style in architecture and art of the late19th - early 20th centuries. In St. Petersburg, it developed from the end of 1890s through to the early 1910s
Kamennoostrovsky Avenue
KAMENNOOSTROVSKY AVENUE, located between Troitskaya Square and the Bolshaya Nevka River Embankment. The main thoroughfare joining the city centre and the Petrogradskaya Side with Aptekarsky Island and Kamenny Island
Nevsky Prospect
NEVSKY PROSPECT known as Bolshaya Pershpektivnaya Road or Bolshaya Pershpektiva until 1738, Nevskaya Prospektivaya Street or Nevskaya Perspektiva in 1738-1780s, and 25 October Avenue in 1918-44 so named in memory of the October Revolution of 1917
Vitebsky Railway Station
VITEBSKY RAILWAY STATION (formerly St. Petersburg, Tsarskoselsky, Moskovsko-Vindavo-Rybinsky Line, and Detskoselsky Railway Station) (52 Zagorodny Ave). The wooden building of Tsarskoselskaya Railway Station was constructed in August-September 1837