Durov Sergey Fedorovich
writer , public figure
Alexeevsky Ravelin
ALEXEEVSKY RAVELIN, an outer fortification of Peter and Paul fortress, situated in its western part, before Vasilievskaya curtain wall. The ravelin was named so in honour of Tsar Alexey Mikhaylovich. It was built in 1733-40 (engineer C.A. Munnich, C
Petrashevsky Circle
PETRASHEVSKY CIRCLE, visitors of Friday meetings held by M.V. Petrashevsky. The meetings began in 1844 to become weekly from the autumn of 1845. Attended by officials, literati, officers, painters, and students
Speshnev N. A. (1821-1882), revolutionary
SPESHNEV Nikolay Alexandrovich (1821-1882, St. Petersburg) was a member of the circle headed by Petrashevsky. In 1836, he entered the Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo. In 1839, he entered the Faculty of Eastern Languages of St. Petersburg University