Ostrogorsky Viktor Petrovich
writer , pedagogue
Bestuzhev's Courses
BESTUZHEV'S COURSES, St. Petersburg Higher Women’s (Bestuzhev's) Courses, the first ever Russian institution of higher education for women. Opened in 1878 on the initiative of A. N. Beketov, N. V. Stasova, M. V. Trubnikov and A. P. Filosofova
Gymnasia (entry)
GYMNASIA, institutions of intermediate general education. In pre-revolutionary Russia they were mainly established with the purpose of training pupils for university and service in state institutions
Mir Bozhy (God's World), journal, 1892-1906
MIR BOZHY (God's World), (in 1906-18 Sovremenny Mir), a journal, appear in 1892-1918 under V. P. Ostrogorsky's editorship with А. А. Davydov as its publisher. The editorial office had its seat at 7 Razyezzhaya Street