Zhuk Alexander Vladimirovich
Airports (entry)
AIRPORTS (airdromes, terminal buildings). In 1911-14, in St. Petersburg’s first airport, Korpusnoy Airdrome was situated near present-day Novo-Izmailovsky Avenue (see Aviatorov Park)
Alexander Nevsky Bridge
ALEXANDER NEVSKY BRIDGE, across the Neva joining Alexander Nevsky Square (hence the name) with Zanevsky Avenue. Built in 1960-65 as a project of Lengiprotransmost (engineers A.S. Evdonin, K.P. Klochkov, G.M. Stepanov, architects A.V. Zhuk, S.G
Engelsa Avenue
ENGELSA AVENUE, a part of Vyborgskoe Freeway until 1918, running from Novosiltsevsky Lane past Third Verkhny Lane; the avenue is an extension of Bolshoy Sampsonievsky Avenue. The avenue was called so in honour of German socialist F. Engels (1820-95)
Grechesky Avenue
GRECHESKY AVENUE, running from Second Sovetskaya Street to Vilensky Lane. The avenue was laid in the 1860s and assumed its name in 1871 after the Greek Church of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica
Krasnoputilovskaya Street
KRASNOPUTILOVSKAYA STREET, running from Komsomolskaya Square to Pobedy Square, passing through the Avtovo area, the former Vologodskaya-Yamskaya Settlement, the Alexandrovskaya Settlement, and Srednaya Rogatka
Kuznechny Lane
KUZNECHNY LANE, connects Zagorodny Avenue and Vladimirskaya Square with Ligovsky Avenue. In the 1740s, this territory was settled by blacksmiths serving the court. In the 1760s, the Church of Our Lady of Vladimir was erected along the street
Leninsky Avenue
LENINSKY AVENUE, running between Doblesti Street and Moskovskaya Square, part of the Central Circular Highway. It connects Yugo-Zapad and Ulyanka settlement, and Dachny and Moskovsky Avenues. The avenue, named in 1977 after V.I
Ligovsky Avenue
IGOVSKY AVENUE, running between Nekrasova Street and Moskovsky Avenue. Known as Ligovskaya Street until 1956. Constructed along the Ligovsky Canal track (hence the name) starting in 1891
Pionerskaya Square
PIONERSKAYA SQUARE between Zagorodny Avenue and the Young People's Theatre. It partly occupies the former vast ground of Semenovsky Lifeguard Regiment. Members of Petrashevsky's Circle were subjected to a mock execution in the ground in 1849 and
St. Petersburg Dam
ST. PETERSBURG DAM is a hydro-technical complex, built in the mouth of the Neva where it enters the Gulf of Finland to prevent floods. First dam projects for St. Petersburg date back to the 18th century: The St
SUBWAY. First subway projects in St. Petersburg date back to the late 19th century. In 1889 the Administrative Committee of the Baltic Railway came up with a project of a subway line connecting Baltiysky and Finlyandsky Railway Stations
Young People's Theatre
YOUNG PEOPLE'S THEATRE, Bryantsev Young People's Theatre, situated at 1 Pionerskaya Square. It was founded in 1921 and opened in 1922 in the hall of the former Tenishev's School at 33 Mokhovaya Street. Headed by A. A