Grevs Ivan Mikhailovich
scientist , pedagogue , public figure
Grevs I.M. (1860-1941), historian, regional ethnographer
GREVS Ivan Mikhailovich (1860-1941), historian, regional ethnographer, pedagogue and public figure. Lived in St. Petersburg since 1873. Grevs graduated from Larin Gymnasium (1879) and the Department of History and Philology of St
Antsiferov N.P. (1889-1958), historian and regional ethnographer
ANTSIFEROV Nikolay Pavlovich (1889-1958), historian, regional ethnographer and public figure. He moved to St. Petersburg in 1908. Antsiferov graduated from the Department of History and Philology of Petrograd University (1915), a student of I.M
Central Regional Studies Bureau
CENTRAL REGIONAL STUDIES BUREAU (CRSB) was a public organization coordinating regional studies in the country. Central Regional Studies Bureau was created in 1922 by the decision of the 1st All-Russian Conference of Scientific Societies for Regional
Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya O.A., (1874-1939), historian
DOBIASH-ROZHDESTVENSKAYA Olga Antonovna (1874-1939), historian, palaeographer, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). Wife of D.S. Rozhdestvensky. Lived in St
Historical Society of St. Petersburg University
HISTORICAL SOCIETY of St. Petersburg University founded in 1889 on the initiative of Professor N. I. Kareev, who became its permanent chairman. The society had its meetings at the Faculty of History and Philology
Institute of History, Philosophy, and Linguistics
INSTITUTE OF HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY, AND LINGUISTICS, Leningrad, founded in 1930/31 as the History and Linguistics Institute on the basis of a history and linguistics department separated from the Leningrad State University
Rech (The Speech), newspaper
RECH (The Speech), daily newspaper on politics, economics and literature, operated as the central organ of the Constitutional Democratic Party (the Cadets). The paper appeared from February of 1906
Teachers' Academy
TEACHERS' ACADEMY, an education institution founded under the League of Education in 1907 by the decision of the All-Russian Congress of Educational Psychology. It was situated at 7 Vladimirsky Avenue
Tenishev's School
TENISHEV'S SCHOOL, a secondary education institution. It was founded by Prince V. N. Tenishev as a three-class general education high school in 1898. The course of studies was eight years including seven general classes and one specialist class