Pavlovsky Evgeny Nikolaevich
Army Medical Academy
ARMY MEDICAL ACADEMY situated at 6 Akademika Lebedeva Street, an educational institution providing training for army doctors. A unique scientific and medical centre
Bogoslovskoe Cemetery
BOGOSLOVSKOE CEMETERY (2 Laboratornaya Street) is situated in the north-east of the city, between Mechnikov Avenue and Finlyandskaya Railway Line. Today, its area consists of about 40 hectares
Russian Entomological Society
RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, situated at 1 Universitetskaya Embankment. It was founded in 1859 by members of the Zoological Museum and St. Petersburg's amateur entomologists
Russian Geographical Society
RUSSIAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, situated at 10 Grivtsova Lane. It was founded in 1845 on the initiative of Admiral F. P. Litke, Member of the Academy K. M. Ber, Admiral Baron F. P. Wrangel, and a number of other scientists