Press. Mass Media
Literaturnaya gazeta (Literary Newspaper), 1830-1831, 1840-1849
Luch (Ray), newspaper
Minuvshee (Past Times), almanac
Mir Bozhy (God's World), journal, 1892-1906
Mir Iskusstva (World of Art), journal
Neva, journal
Nevsky Arkhiv (The Neva Archive), almanac
Niva (Field), journal
Novaya Zhizn (New Life), newspaper (1917-1918)
Novoe vremya (The New Time), newspaper, 1868-1917
Novy Put (New Way), newspaper
Otechestvennye Zapiski (Notes of the Fatherland), journal
Pamyat (Memory), collection
Peterburgsky Nekropol (The St. Petersburg Necropolis), information guide
Peterburgskye Chteniya (Petersburg Readings), almanac
Polyarnaya Zvezda (The Polar Star), almanac
Pravda (The Truth), newspaper
Prazdnoe Vremya v Polzu Upotreblennoe, Leisure Time Spent with Benefit, journal
Rech (The Speech), newspaper
Reference and Statistical Publications of St. Petersburg and the Region (entry)
Russkoe Bogatstvo (The Russian Wealth), journal, 1876-1918
Russkoe slovo (The Russian Word), journal, 1859-1866
Russky Invalid (The Russian Invalid), newspaper
Sankt Peterburgskie Vedomosti (St. Petersburg Gazette), newspaper
Satirikon, journal
Severnaya Pchela (Northern Bee), journal, newspaper
Severny Vestnik (Northern Herald), journal, 1885-1898
Severnye Tsvety (Northern Flowers), almanac
Skify (Scythians), almanac
Smena (The New Generation), newspaper