Derzhavin G.R. (1743-1816), poet, statesman
DERZHAVIN Gavriil Romanovich (1743-1816), poet and statesman, Full Privy Counsellor (1800). Received his primary education at the Kazan Gymnasium. Lived in St. Petersburg. From 1762, though intermittently
Dobrolyubov N. A. (1836-1861), critic, publicist
DOBROLYUBOV Nikolay Alexandrovich (1836-1861, St. Petersburg), critic, publicist, poet. Studied at the Nizhegorodsky Theological Academy and Seminary. From 1853 lived in St. Petersburg
Dostoevsky F. M. (1821-1881), writer
DOSTOEVSKY Fedor Mikhaylovich (1821-1881, St. Petersburg), writer, corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1877). In 1837 came to St. Petersburg
Dovlatov S.D. (1941-1990), writer
DOVLATOV Sergey Donatovich (1941-1990), prose writer. Studied at the Philological Faculty of Leningrad State University (didn't finish his degree). In 1962 he was conscripted into the army
Druzhinin A. V. (1824-1864), writer
DRUZHININ Alexander Vasilievich (1824, St. Petersburg - 1864) writer, critic, translator. On graduating from the Page Corps (1843) he served in the Finnish Life Guard Regiment
Dudin M.A. (1916-1993), poet
DUDIN Mikhail Alexandrovich (1916-1993, St. Petersburg), poet, public figure. In 1937 entered the evening department of Faculty of Literature of the Ivanov Pedagogical Institute; in 1939 he was conscripted into the Army
Elagin I.P. (1725-1793), writer
ELAGIN Ivan Perfilievich (1725-1793, St. Petersburg), statesman, historian, writer, Chief Master of the Hunt (1782), Fellow of the Russian Academy (1783). Graduated from the Gentry Army Cadet Corps in 1743. Arrested in connection with the A.P
Esenin S.A. (1895-1925), poet
ESENIN Sergey Alexandrovich (1895-1925, Leningrad), poet. Graduated from the Zemskoe (provincial) Fourth-Class School in the village of Konstantinovo (1909) and Second-Class Teachers' College in the village of Spas-Klepiki (1912)
Fedin K.A. (1892-1977), writer
FEDIN Konstantin Alexandrovich (1892-1977), writer, fellow of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958), hero of Socialist Labour (1967). He studied at Moscow Commercial Institute (1911-14, without receiving a degree)
Fofanov K.M. (1862-1911), poet
FOFANOV Konstantin Mikhailovich (1862, St. Petersburg - 1911, at the same place), poet. He had little formal education. After leaving home in 1885, he wandered a lot and lived in poverty all his life. He appeared in various (mostly St
Fonvizin D.I. (1744/45-1792), writer
FONVIZIN (von Vizin) Denis Ivanovich (1744 or 1745 - 1792, St. Petersburg), writer, fellow of Russian Academy (1783). He was educated at a gymnasia attached to Moscow University (1755-62). His first visit to St. Petersburg dates back to 1759-60
Forsh O.D. (1873-1961), writer
FORSH (nee Komarova) Olga Dmitrievna (1873-1961, Tyarlevo, near Pavlovsk), writer. Graduated from Nikolaevsky Orphane Girls' Institute in Moscow in 1891. She studied painting at various art schools, including the home studio of artist P.P
Garin-Mikhailovsky N.G. (1852-1906), writer
GARIN N. (real name Mikhailovsky Nikolay Georgievich) (1852, St. Petersburg - 1906, ibidem). Writer, railway engineer. Graduated from Railway Engineering Institute (1878; today University of Lines of Communication, 9 Moscow Avenue - memorial plaque)
Garshin V.M. (1855-1888), writer
GARSHIN Vsevolod Mikhailovich (1855-1888, St. Petersburg), writer. In St. Petersburg from 1863. Studied in the Institute of Mines (1874-77). When the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-78 broke out, he volunteered for the Army without finishing the course
German Y.P. (1910-1967), writer
GERMAN Yury Pavlovich (1910-1967, Leningrad), prose and script writer. Together with his father, an artillery officer, he survived the Civil War, finished school in Kursk. In Leningrad from 1929, studied at the Drama School
Gippius Z.N. (1869-1945), writer
GIPPIUS Zinaida Nikolaevna (married name - Merezhkovskaya) (1869-1945), poet, literary critic, prose writer, author of memoirs. Mainly home educated. Her first poems were published in 1888. In 1889 she married D.S. Merezhkovsky and moved to St
Gnedich N.I. (1784-1833), poet
GNEDICH Nikolay Ivanovich (1784-1833, St. Petersburg), poet, translator, corresponding member of Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1826), state counsellor (1828). Studied at the Noble Boarding School of Moscow University (didn't finish)
Gnedich T.G. (1907-1976), writer
GNEDICH Tatyana Grigorievna (1907-1976, town Pushkin) writer, translator, PhD (philology,1941). She was a great-great-grand-nephew of N. I. Gnedich. She lived in Leningrad from 1926
Gogol N.V. (1809-1852), writer
GOGOL Nikolay Vasilievich (1809-1852), writer. Graduated from Poltava Provincial School (1819) and Nezhinsk Gymnasium of Higher Sciences (1828). In 1828 moved to St
Goncharov I.A. (1812-1891), writer
GONCHAROV Ivan Alexandrovich (1812-1891, St. Petersburg), writer, corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1860). Graduated from the Philological Department of Moscow University (1834). In St. Petersburg from 1835
Gorky Maxim (1868-1936), writer
GORKY Maxim (real name Maxim Peshkov) (1868-1936), writer, playwright, publicist, public figure. First visited St. Petersburg in September–October 1899. In 1900 joined the Znanie Publishing Company; and headed it for over ten years
Gorodetsky S.M. (1884-1967), poet
GORODETSKY Sergey Mitrofanovich (1884, St. Petersburg - 1967) poet, prose writer, translator and playwright. On graduating from the 6th St. Petersburg Gymnasium he studied (from 1902) at the Faculty of History and Philology of Petersburg University
Grech N.I. (1787-1867), writer, journalist
GRECH Nikolay Ivanovich (1787, St. Petersburg - 1867), journalist, publisher, writer, philologist, Privy Councillor (1843), corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1827)
Griboedov A.S. (1794 or 1795 – 1829), writer, diplomat
GRIBOEDOV Alexander Sergeevich (1794 or 1795-1829), writer, musician and diplomat. Held the rank of civil counsellor and was a Minister Resident in Persia (1828)
Grigorovich D.V. (1822-1899), writer
GRIGOROVICH Dmitry Vasilievich (1822-1899, St. Petersburg), prose writer, corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1888). Studied in a private boarding schools of Moscow
Grigoryev A.A. (1822-1864), critic, poet
GRIGORYEV Apollon Alexandrovich (1822-1864, St. Petersburg), poet, prose writer, literary and theatre critic, collegiate assessor (1857). A graduate of the Faculty of Law of Moscow University, he lived in St
Grin A.S. (1880-1932), writer
GRIN (real name Grinevsky) Alexander Stepanovich (1880-1932), writer. For the first time came to St. Petersburg either in 1905 or in 1906 illegally, drifted together with A. I. Kuprin, who introduced him into literary circles
Gumilev N.S. (1886-1921), poet
GUMILEV Nikolay Stepanovich (1886, Kronstadt - 1921, near St. Petersburg), poet, translator, critic. He spent his childhood in Tsarskoe Selo, from 1896 was in St. Petersburg, and studied at the Gymnasium of Y.G. Gurevich
Herzen A.I. (1812-1870), revolutionary publicist
HERZEN Alexander Ivanovich (1812-1870), revolutionary, publicist, writer, philosopher. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Moscow University (1833). He came to St
Hollerbach E. F. (1892-1942), Art Historian
HOLLERBACH Erich Fedorovich (1892, Tsarskoe Selo - 1942) art historian, literary critic, bibliophile. In 1911-17, he studied at the Psychoneurological Institute