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The subject index / Resurrection, circle of

Resurrection, circle of

Categories / Social Life/Social Organizations and Unions

RESURRECTION (the circle of А. А. Meyer) was a religious philosophical circle. It emerged at the end of 1917, and united philosophers, professionals, representatives of creative intelligentsia — members of the Religious Philosophical Society, mostly left-leaning. The nucleus of the circle was comprised of philosophers А.А. Meyer, A.V. Kartashev, A.P. Fedotov, professionals A.P. Smirnov, N.V. Pigulevskaya, N.P. Antsiferov united by their interest in finding ways of religious renaissance by means of synthesis of Christianity and socialism. The majority of participants of the circle were sceptical about the official position of the Orthodox Church, believing that free development of Christian ideas within the Church was impossible. The main discussion themes included revolution and power, revolution and religion, revolution and society. In 1918, members of the circle published two issues of the journal Free Voices. Meetings were held in the apartments of the Free Philosophical Association, after its closing in 1923 the meetings were held in the flats of K.A. Polovtsova (7 Maly Avenue of Petrogradskaya Side) and P.F. Smotritsky (18 Geslerovsky Lane); in 1917-28, no less than 150 people attended these meetings. At the end of 1928 - early 1929 the participants of the circle were arrested. Alongside with them representatives of other circles of humanitarian intelligentsia were brought to trial. All in all 70 people were sentenced to different terms of confinement by Decree of the Collegium of the Joint State Political Administration Board on 22 July 1929.

References: Анциферов Н. П. Из дум о былом: Воспоминания. М., 1992; Антонов В. В. Воскресенье Мейера и воскресники Назарова: Духов. поиски петрогр. интеллигенции 1920-х гг. // Невский архив: Ист.-краевед. сб. СПб., 1999. [Вып.] 4. С. 288-324.

T. V. Morgacheva, I. A. Flige.

Antsiferov Nikolay Pavlovich
Fedotov Georgy Petrovich
Kartashev Anton Vladimirovich
Meyer Alexander Alexandrovich
Pigulevskaya Nina Viktorovna
Polovtsova Xenia Anatolyevna
Smirnov Alexsey Petrovich
Smotritsky Pavel Fomich

Maly Ave of Petrogradskaya Storona/Saint Petersburg, city, house 7

Анциферов Н. П. Из дум о былом: Воспоминания. М., 1992
Антонов В. В. "Воскресенье" Мейера и "воскресники" Назарова: Духов. поиски петрогр. интеллигенции 1920-х гг. // Невский архив: Ист.-краевед. сб. СПб., 1999