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28 October. The dinner and masked ball in the honour of Prince Heinrich of Prussia was held by Catherine II in the Great Tsarskoye Selo Palace. The Palace Quarter had a population of 1,178
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


The wooden Tsar Church of Constantin was laid in Sophia Town
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


The Taytsi gravity conduit, designed by the engineer F.B. Bauer, dams along Sadovaya Embankment, designed by the engineer I. Gerard, were built, the water facilities system of parks was improved and the many hydraulic constructions - bridges
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


The system of the Great Cascade ponds with dams was constructed to the design by Colonel-Engineer I.
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


3 September. The ball in the honour of Princess Sophia Dorothea of Wurttemberg, the future wife of Grand Duke Paul Petrovich, was held at Tsarskoye
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


The construction of the Chinese Theatre was begun. Sweden King Gustav III, under the name of Count of Gotland, visited Tsarskoye
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


27 April. Grand Duke Constantin Pavlovich, the second child in the family of Grand Duke Paul Petrovich, was born in Tsarskoye Selo. 1 January. Catherine II's Decree "About the Foundation of the Saint Petersburg Gubernia Including Seven Uyezds"
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


The Palace wing (later it was named as the Zubov Wing) was constructed by Yu.
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


19 June. The performance in the honour of the Austria Emperor Joseph II, who visited Russia and stayed in the Upper Bath Pavilion under the name of Count Falkestein, was given in the Chinese Theatre
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


Constructing of the Gatchina (Orlov) Gates, built in the honour of Count G. Orlov's s successful mission of the struggle with the plague epidemic in Moscow in 1771, was finished
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


The poet I.F. Bogdanovich's poem "Dushenka" ("The Sweetheart"), written by him in Tsarskoye Selo, was
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


25 June. A.D. Lanskoi, a favourite of Catherine II, died in Tsarskoye Selo. In 1785 the architector G. Quarenghi built the mausoleum over Lanskoy's grave. Later it was consecrated as the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


March. Count Lois Philippe de Segur, a French diplomat, had visited Catherine II at Tsarskoye Selo and he wrote the brilliant memoirs about Russia having the part on his visit to Tsarskoye Selo
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


1 April. Premiere of the opera "Fevey" at the Chinese Theatre was performed. Catherine II was the author of the
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


20 May. The Cathedral of St. Sophia, that was constructed by architects Ch. Cameron and I. Starov, was consecrated in the presence of Catherine II. Archpriest A.A. Samborsky became the first senior priest of the Cathedral
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


January. Ceremonial entry of Prince G.A. Potiomkin-Tavrichesky through the Gatchina (Orlov) Gates of Tsarskoye Selo after the capture of Ochakov and liberation of Moldovia from Turkey. The inscription from A
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


"Office of Buildings of Tsarskoye Selo" and "Inherited Estate Administration" were united into the Tsarskoye Selo Office. It was subordinated to the Hof-Intendant Office from 1797. May. G.R
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


The Alexander Palace was constructed by Giacomo Quarenghi for Grand Duke Alexander ( the future Emperor Alexander I), the beloved grandson of Empress Catherine II
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


May. Poem "Cupid and Psychea" of G.R.Derzhavin, adapted for the music by the court musician V.A. Pashkevich, in honour of the betrothal of Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich with Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alekseyevna, Princess of Baden
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


6 July. Ceremony of the baptism of Grand Duke Nicholas Pavlovich, the future Emperor Nicholas I, took place in the Palace Church of the Resurrection of Christ. 12 June
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


G.R.Derzhavin wrote the nostalgia poem "Ruins" in which the favorite residence of Catherine II at Tsarskoye Selo, which was florished in the time of Catherine II, was described in the allegorical form
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


17-31 July. Paul I had the only visit to Tsarskoye Selo during the 5 years reign. The birthday of Aleksandra Pavlovna, a daughter of Paul I and Maria Fiodorovna, Archduchess of Austria, was celebrated on 29 July
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


The Tsarskoye Selo inheritated estate had a population of about 7,900. The Tsarskoye Selo Office was renamed the board with the staff in quantity of 311 employees. The Full Councillor of State A.I
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


"Tsarskoye Selo Practical forest Institute", there were two graduates, worked in Sophia Town and then it moved into Petersburg, it was the primogenotor of the Saint Petersburg Forest Academy
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


29 August. His Majesty Alexander I approved the "Decree About Joining the Town of Sophia with Tsarskoye Selo". Uyezd offices were moved into Tsarskoye Selo. The staff of the town police was approved. The architect V.I
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


9 March. The Emperor Decree about "constructing the one floor building of the almshouse with hospital having the church in the turn of Moskovskaya Street" (it was the beginning of the future complex of the Palace hospital, now the hospital no
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


The former building of the Building office, placed at the corner of Leontyevskaya Street and Srednyaya Street, was reconstructed by V.I. Geste for the Palace Board
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


19 October. The Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum , one of the progressive educational establishments of Russia in the early 19th cent., was opened for the preparation "young people, particularly for the important state work"
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


The construction of the Llama Pavilion designed by A. Menelaws was begun, llamas had been brought from South America. In 1860 the Llama Pavilion was rebuilt for the photography studio by I
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


27 January. The Lyceum Noble Boarding School, the preparatory educational establishment for the Lyceum, was opened in Sophia Town and it worked until 23 February 1829
Source: Tsarskoe Selo

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