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Entries / Dostoevsky F. M. (1821-1881), writer

Chekhonin S.V. (1878-1936), artist

Categories / Art/Fine Arts/Personalia
Categories / Tsarskoe Selo and town of Pushkin. The digital chronological reference book/Pushkin personality

CHEKHONIN Sergey Vasilievich (1878-1936), painter and graphic artist. He did his studies at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts (1896-97) and at Princess M.K. Tenisheva's school under I.E. Repin (1897-1900). He created refined graphic compositions based on decorative and ornamental stylisation of Russian Empire motifs; under the Soviet government these compositions also took up revolutionary symbols and slogans, developing into the so-called Soviet Empire style. He contributed to St. Petersburg publishing houses Enlightenment, Dog Brier, Creation etc. In 1905-07 he issued a number of sharp political caricatures (in Zritel journal and Satirikon journal), and published Maski satirical journal (1906). Over the next seven years, from 1907 to 1914, he worked on the details of ornamental decoration of interiors (panels and friezes) in Goldvein and Vaulin ceramic workshop located in Kikerino near St. Petersburg (was not preserved on the whole). From 1913, Chekhonin took part in the exhibitions of the World of Art, being a member from 1912. In 1917, he was admitted to the Artistic Board of the Department of Fine Arts of People's Commissariat for Education. During his term he made up the project designs of the coat of arms of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, the seal of the Council of People's Commissars, drafts of bank notes and silver coins, as well as graphic portraits of Soviet leaders, in particular, V.I. Lenin and G.E. Zinovyev. He also took part in the staging of street festivities. In 1918-23 and 1925-27, he held the office of creative director at State Porcelain Factory (see Lomonosovsky Porcelain Factory). Chekhonin developed the first samples of "propagandistic" porcelain and china (for example, a plate Blessed Be Free Labour, dishes The Coat of Arms of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic with Flowers, Famine). In 1928, he settled in France, where he worked in the field of artistic industry and stage set design. He died in the town of Loerrach in Germany. While in St. Petersburg, he lived at 72 Ninth Line of Vasilievsky Island (1910), 23/73 Maly Avenue of Vasilievsky Island (1911-13), and 43 Twelfth Line of Vasilievsky Island (1913-28).

References: Пунин Н. Н., Эфрос А. М. С. Чехонин. М.; Пг., 1924; Голынец С. В. Сергей Чехонин: Серп и Молот и Тараканище // Вопр. искусствознания. 1994. № 1. С. 285-299.

O. L. Leikind, D.Y. Severyukhin.

Chekhonin Sergey Vasilievich
Lenin (real name Ulyanov) Vladimir Ilyich
Repin Ilya Efimovich
Tenisheva Maria Klavdievna
Zinovyev Grigory Evseevich

9th Line of Vasilievsky Island/Saint Petersburg, city, house 72
12th Line of Vasilievsky Island/Saint Petersburg, city, house 43
Maly Vasilievsky Island Ave/Saint Petersburg, city, house 23/73

Пунин Н. Н., Эфрос А. М. С. Чехонин. М.; Пг., 1924
Голынец С. В. Сергей Чехонин: Серп и Молот и Тараканище // Вопр. искусствознания, 1994

The subject Index
Enlightenment, publishing house, 1896-1922
Brier, publishing house, 1906-22
Satirikon, journal
World of Art, Association
Lomonosov Porcelain Factory