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Entries / Petrograd Fighter Organization

Petrograd Fighter Organization

Categories / Social Life/Political Repressions

PETROGRAD FIGHTER ORGANIZATION, Tagantsev's Plot, the Case of Tagantsev) was the mythical counter-revolutionary organization, which had supposedly existed in Petrograd in the early 1920s. The case of the Petrograd Fighter Organization was fabricated by the Petrograd Extraordinary Committee. In June 1921, some 900 people were arrested on charges of participating in Petrograd Fighter Organization. Cases of members of isolated anti-Bolshevik circles and groups, separate people dissatisfied with the Soviet power, representatives of scientific and creative intelligentsia, workers, officers, Kronstadt sailors et. al. were considered as one case. In August-December 1921, a total of 230 people were convicted with in the case of Petrograd Fighter Organization. By Decree of the Presidium of Petrograd Extraordinary Committee of 24 August 1921, 61 people were shot in Kovalevsky Forest in the territory of Rzhevsky Artillery Range (the date of their execution is unknown, 25 August is considered to be the day of their memory, the list of those shot was published in the newspaper Petrograd Truth on 1 September); by the Decree of 3 October 1921, 34 more people were executed in the same place, the rest were sentenced to imprisonment, penal servitude and exile. Associate Professor V.N. Tagantsev (the Head of the plot - hence the 2nd name of the plot), professor N.I. Lazarevsky, G.G. Maximov and M.M. Tikhvinsky, poet N.S. Gumilev, sculptor S.A. Ukhtomsky, geologist V.M. Kozlovsky and others were among those executed in the case of Petrograd Fighter Organization. The place of shooting and the burial place in Kovalevsky Forest was identified by V.V. Iofe in 1997 and discovered by the search group of Memorial Research Centre in 2001, a memorial on the site was unveiled on 25 August 2001.

References: Из ранних свидетельств о деле ПБО / Предисл. и примеч. И. Вознесенского // Звенья: Ист. альм. М., 1991. Вып. 1. С. 464-474; Перченок Ф. Ф., Зубарев Д. И. На полпути от полуправд: о таганцевском деле и не только о нем // In Memoriam: Ист. сб. памяти Ф. Ф. Перченка. М.: СПб., 1995. С. 362-370; Черняев В. Ю. Финляндский след в деле Таганцева // Россия и Финляндия в ХХ веке: К 80-летию независимости Финлянд. республики. СПб., 1997. С. 180-200; Иофе В. В. Первая кровь (Петроград, 1918-1921) // Иофе В. В. Новые этюды об оптимизме: Сб. ст. и выступлений. СПб., 1998. С. 57-65; Таганцев Н. С. Дневник 1920-1921 гг. // Звезда. 1998. №9. С. 130-157.

T. F. Kosinova, I. A. Flige.

Gumilev Nikolay Stepanovich
Iofe Veniamin Viktorovich
Kozlovsky Viktor Mikhailovich
Lazarevsky Nikolay Ivanovich
Maximov Grigory Grigorievich
Tagantsev Vladimir Nikolaevich
Tikhvinsky Mikhail Mikhailovich
Ukhtomsky Sergey Alexandrovich
Ukhtomsky Sergey Alexandrovich
Ukhtomsky Sergey Alexandrovich
Ukhtomsky Sergey Alexandrovich
Ukhtomsky Sergey Alexandrovich

Из ранних свидетельств о "деле ПБО" / Предисл. и примеч. И. Вознесенского // Звенья: Ист. альм. М., 1991
Черняев В. Ю. Финляндский след в "деле Таганцева" // Россия и Финляндия в ХХ веке: К 80-летию независимости Финлянд. республики. СПб., 1997
Иофе В. В. Первая кровь (Петроград, 1918-1921) // Иофе В. В. Новые этюды об оптимизме: Сб. ст. и выступлений. СПб., 1998
Таганцев Н. С. Дневник 1920-1921 гг. // Звезда, 1998
Перченок Ф. Ф., Зубарев Д. И. На полпути от полуправд: о таганцевском деле и не только о нем // In Memoriam: Ист. сб. памяти Ф. Ф. Перченка. М.: СПб., 1995

The subject Index
Memorial, a non-profit organisation
Petrograd Fighter Organization
