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Entries / Senyavin А.N. (1716-1797), Admiral

Senyavin А.N. (1716-1797), Admiral

Categories / Army. Navy/Personalia

SENYAVIN Alexey Naumovich (1716-1797), Admiral (1793). Participated in the Russo-Turkish War of 1735-39. From 1739 served in the Baltic Fleet. During the Seven Years' War of 1756-63 held command of a battleship. In 1766, assumed the post of Treasurer General with the Admiralty Collegium. In 1768, Senyavin was appointed Commander of the Kronstadt Squadron. Participated in the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-74. In 1794 Senyavin was elected member of the Admiralty Collegium.

A. N. Lukirsky.

Senyavin Alexey Naumovich

The subject Index
Baltic Fleet