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Entries / Hastie V.I. (1753-1832), architect.

Hastie V.I. (1753-1832), architect.

Categories / Architecture/Personalia
Categories / Tsarskoe Selo and town of Pushkin. The digital chronological reference book/Pushkin personality

Hastie Vasily Ivanovich (William) (1753-1832), architect. Native of Switzerland, in 1784 he came to Russia by invitation of C. Cameron, settling in Tsarskoye Selo on Angliiskaya Street. In 1792 he was hired as an architect for the developed of plans for "example" houses approved by the Empress Catherine II. In 1795-99, he served in the south of Russia. In September 1803-February 1805 he was an architect of Izhorsky factories, he projected a number of industrial and administrative buildings, including the building of the factory office (1803-04), the stone factory dyke on the Izhora River (early 19th century, in collaboration with K.K. Gaskoiny). In 1806-18 Politseisky (now Narodny), Krasny, Siny, Potseluev bridges (see respective articles) were built in St. Petersburg to his designs. For the first time in Russian practice, arched bridges made of cast-iron "baskets" (tubings) connected by bolts were constructed. The project of Politseisky Bridge was considered a perfect example and became a standard design. As of 1808, Hastie was the city architect of Tsarskoye Selo, he made a complex plan of its buildings which became the example for provincial Russian towns, and he constructed a complex of the hospital buildings, Murgent's Court, Laundress' Yard, Material Yard, bath houses and residential houses. The following buildings based on his designs can still be seen today: the House for Palace Administration 8 Leontyevskaya Street, 1-3 Srednyaya Street), a building complex for the Police Administration (28 Leontyevskaya Street), the house of Kanobio (15 Leontyevskaya Street). He is the author of albums: Locks, bridges, and houses (1806?), plans for cast-iron bridges on the Moika (1807), buildings for Tsarskoye Selo town (1809), The anthology of facades of His Emperial Majesty approved for private buildings in the cities of the Russian Empire (1809, in collaboration with L. Rusca and V. P. Stasov), Division of city quarters into residential areas (1811), etc. He is buried at Kazanskoye Cemetery in the Tsarskoe Selo (the tombstone has not survived).

References: Коршунова М. Ф. Архитектор В. Гесте // Тр. / Гос. Эрмитаж. Л., 1977. № 18. С. 132-143; Соминич Г. Е. Архитектор Василий Иванович Гесте в Царском Селе // На рубеже двух эпох, 1801-1825-1825-1855: Тез. докл. Второй Царскосел. науч. конф. СПб., 1996. С. 53-56; Кузнецов С. О. Вильям Гесте // Зодчие Санкт-Петербурга, XIX - начало XX века. СПб., 2000. С. 123-131.

Л. Д. Бурим.

Cameron Charles
Catherine II, Empress
Gascoigne Karl Karlovich (Charles)
Hastie Vasily Ivanovich (William)
Rusca Luigi (Aloisy Ivanovich)
Stasov Vasily Petrovich

Кузнецов С. О. Вильям Гесте // Зодчие Санкт-Петербурга, XIX - начало XX века.СПб., 2000
Коршунова М. Ф. Архитектор В. Гесте // Тр. / Гос. Эрмитаж. Л., 1977
Соминич Г.Е. Архитектор Василий Иванович Гесте в Царском Селе // На рубеже двух эпох, 1801 - 1825 - 1825 - 1855: Тез. докл. Второй Царсокосел. науч. конф. СПб., 1996

The subject Index
Izhora Plants
Zeleny Bridge
Krasny Bridge
Siny Bridge
Potseluev Bridge
Bolshoy Gostiny Dvor
Kazanskoe Cemetery