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Bibliographies / Слуцкая М. Д. Э. И. Каплан (1895-1962): Заметки к творч. биографии // Музыкальный театр: Сб. науч. тр. СПб., 1991
Kaplan E.I. (1895-1961), stage director

KAPLAN Emmanuil Iosifovich (1895, St. Petersburg - 1961, Leningrad), singer (tenor), stage director, teacher. Graduated from the Architecture Department of the Academy of Arts (1925)

State Opera and Ballet Theatre of the St. Petersburg Conservatory

STATE OPERA AND BALLET THEATRE of the St. Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory; in 1923-89, known as Opera Studio of the Conservatory, and called the Musical Theatre of the Conservatory from 1989 to 1994