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Bibliographies / Ленинград в осаде: Сб. док. о героич. обороне Ленинграда в годы Великой Отеч. войны, 1941-1945. СПб., 1995.
City Emergency Commission

CITY EMERGENCY COMMISSION on the ascertainment and investigation of the fascist agressors and their confederates' crimes and the damage caused by them to organizations

Food Ration Norms

FOOD RATION NORMS fixed on 18 July 1941, at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, together with the introduction of ration cards. Sale norms were standardised for bread, grains, pasta, meat and meat products, fish, oil

Ration Cards

RATION CARDS. Documents allowing the regular receipt of a certain amount of food from the State Trading Network at a fixed price under conditions of famine or drastic food shortages