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Entries / Rzhevka-Porokhovye
Malevich K.S., (1878-1935), Artist

MALEVICH Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935, Leningrad) artist, art theorist. He was trained at the studio of F. I. Rerberg (1905-10) in Moscow. He lived in Moscow until 1919. Had phases of enthusiasm for impressionism, primitivism, cubofuturism

Art Bureau of N. E. Dobychina

ART BUREAU OF N. E. DOBYCHINA, agency negotiating between artists and the public for the purpose of sales and hire. Opened in the fall of 1911 by N. E. Dobychina (1884-1950)

Art Culture Museum

ART CULTURE MUSEUM opened in 1921 in the former Myatlev family's house at 9 St.Isaac’s Square on the initiative of a group of left-wing artists. Unlike traditional museums exhibiting pieces of art on a national or historical basis


CONSRTUCTIVISM, the main style in the architecture of the Soviet avant-garde of the 1920s and early 1930s. Based on the principle of functionality expressed in dynamically separated structures, it featured well-defined spaces and laconic surfaces

Drama Theatre (entry)

DRAMA THEATRE. The performances of the theatre of Tsar Peter the Great's sister, Tsarevna Natalia Alexeevna (from 1714) can be considered as the first attempts to establish a standing public theatre in St. Petersburg

Ermolaeva Vera Mikhailovna (1893-1937), artist

ERMOLAEVA Vera Mikhailovna (1893-1937), painter, graphic artist and book illustrator. She studied at the painting school of Mikhail Bernstein (1911-14) and the Archeology Institute (1914-17)

Institute of Artistic Culture

INSTITUTE OF ARTISTIC CULTURE, State. The institute was organised in 1923 on the basis of the Museum of Artistic Culture, and was located at 9 St.Isaac's Square

Lomonosov Porcelain Factory

LOMONOSOV PORCELAIN FACTORY (LPF) (151 Obukhovskoy Oborony Anevue) is the largest porcelain factory in the country, leading manufacturer of decorative porcelain. The factory was established in 1744 as the Portselinovaya Manufactory

Matyushin M.V. (1861-1934), Artist, Composer

MATYUSHIN Mikhail Vasilievich (1861-1934, Leningrad) artist, violinist, composer. He was an outstanding figure of the Petersburg artistic avant-guard. He graduated from the Moscow Conservatoire in 1881

Professora Popova Street

PROFESSORA POPOVA STREET (in the 1810s - Pesochny Avenue, from the middle of the 19th century to 1940 - Pesochnaya Street), between Aptekarskaya Embankment and Pesochnaya Embankment, on Aptekarsky Island

Sidlin Osip Abramovich (1909-1972), artist

SIDLIN Osip Abramovich (1909-1972, Leningrad), painter, pedagogue. He graduated from the Leningrad School of Arts (1930), studied in the Highest Artistic and Technical Institute under Alexander Osmerkin and Alexander Savinov

Sterligov Vl.V. (1904-1973), painter

STERLIGOV Vladimir Vasilievich (1904-1973, Petrodvorets), painter. Sterligov studied the principles of cubism and suprematism in K.S. Malevich State Institute of Artistic Culture (1926). Together with V.M. Ermolaeva, K.K. Rozhdestvensky and L.A

Vasnetsov Yury Alexeevich (1900-1973), artist

VASNETSOV Yury Alexeevich (1900-1973, Leningrad), graphic artist, painter, People's Artist of RSFSR (1966). From 1921, he lived in St. Petersburg and studied in the Academy of Arts (1921-26) under Alexey Karev, Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin

Youth Union

YOUTH UNION, a society of artists established by former members of the group Treugolnik (Elena Guro, Mikhail Matyushin, Eduard Spandikov, Iosif Shkolnik, Savely Schleifer, et al). The Youth Union was chaired by Eduard Spandikov (1910-13) and by L.I