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Persons / Krasheninnikov Stepan Petrovich scientist
Krasheninnikov S.P., (1711-1755), geographer

KRASHENINNIKOV Stepan Petrovich (1713, according to the other data, 1711 - 1755, St. Petersburg), geographer, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1750)

Academic University

ACADEMIC UNIVERSITY, the first Russian university founded by Peter the Great in 1724 as a part of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences and now officially recognised as the predecessor of the St. Petersburg State University

Holy Annunciation Church (Eighth Line of Vasilievsky Island)

HOLY ANNUNCIATION CHURCH located at 67 Eighth Line of Vasilievsky Island. An architectural monument in the Baroque style. The stone two-storeyed church was built in 1750-72, financed by merchants I. S. Chirkin and I. I

Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography

MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY (Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kunstkammer) (MAE) (3 University Embankment)

Necropolis of the18th Century

NECROPOLIS OF THE 18TH CENTURY (before 1939, the Lazarevskoe Cemetery), memorial necropolis, part of the City Sculpture Museum (from 1932) on the territory of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Its square takes up 0.7 hectares

Russian Academy of Sciences

RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, the highest scientific institution in Russia. It was founded in St. Petersburg after Emperor Peter the Great's project for the academy was approved by the Senate on 28 January 1724