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Rubricator / / Science. Education
Gumilev L.N., (1912-1992), historian

GUMILEV Lev Nikolaevich (1912, Tsarskoe Selo - 1992, St. Petersburg), orientalist, ethnographer, Ph.D. (Doctor of Historical Sciences, 1961; and Geographical Sciences, defended his thesis in 1974

Gymnasia (entry)

GYMNASIA, institutions of intermediate general education. In pre-revolutionary Russia they were mainly established with the purpose of training pupils for university and service in state institutions


HERMITAGE, State Museum (32-38 Dvortsovaya Embankment) is one of the biggest museums in the world, exhibiting art as well as cultural and historical objects. It consists of 5 inter-connected buildings: the Winter Palace, the Small Hermitage

Hermitage Buildings (entry)

HERMITAGE BUILDINGS. Hermitages were compulsory for all large court estates such as Peterhof and Tsarskoe Selo built as detached pavilions for confidential meetings from the early 18th century

Historical and Political Archives of St. Petersburg

HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL ARCHIVES OF ST. PETERSBURG, Central State Historical and Political Archives situated at 39 Tavricheskaya Street. The archives originated from the Commission for the Collection and Study of Materials on the History of the

Historical Societies (entry)

HISTORICAL SOCIETIES, associations of historians, including both professionals and amateurs, aimed at studying and developing various historical issues. Most historical societies received imperial support during the 19th and early 20th centuries

Historical Society of St. Petersburg University

HISTORICAL SOCIETY of St. Petersburg University founded in 1889 on the initiative of Professor N. I. Kareev, who became its permanent chairman. The society had its meetings at the Faculty of History and Philology

Historical-Philological Institute

HISTORICAL-PHILOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, an institution of higher education established in 1867 with the purpose of training teachers of ancient and modern European languages, philology, history and geography

Hollerbach E. F. (1892-1942), Art Historian

HOLLERBACH Erich Fedorovich (1892, Tsarskoe Selo - 1942) art historian, literary critic, bibliophile. In 1911-17, he studied at the Psychoneurological Institute

House of Plekhanov, department of Russian Science Library

HOUSE OF PLEKHANOV (33/1 Forth Krasnoarmeiskaya Street), a sector of the Department of Manuscripts of the Russian Science Library. It was formed in 1928 as Department No

Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, St. Petersburg

HUMANITARIAN UNIVERSITY OF TRADE UNIONS, St. Petersburg (15 Fucik Street)is a self-financed non-profit-making comprehensive educational institution. It was established in 1926 as the Higher Trade-Union School of Culture for training workers of clubs

Hydrometeorological Centre

HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL CENTRE, St. Petersburg, of the North Western Interregional Board of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, situated at 2a Twenty-third Line of Vasilievsky Island

Hydrometeorological Monitoring

HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL MONITORING. Visual weather and Neva level monitoring conducted ever since St. Petersburg was founded as decreed by Peter the Great. Regular hydrometeorological monitoring started for the first time in Russia in 1722. F. C

Inostrantsev A.A., (1843-1919), geologist, archaeologist

INOSTRANTSEV Alexander Alexandrovich (1843, Farforovoe Village, close to St. Petersburg -1919, Petrograd), geologist, Corresponding Member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1901) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (1917)

Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences

INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF MATERIAL CULTURE of the Russian Academy of Sciences, situated at 18 Dvortsovaya Embankment. It was founded in 1919 on the basis of the Archaeological Committee established in St

Institute of Art History

INSTITUTE OF ART HISTORY of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, situated at 5 St. Isaac's Square, a research institution

Institute of Artistic Culture

INSTITUTE OF ARTISTIC CULTURE, State. The institute was organised in 1923 on the basis of the Museum of Artistic Culture, and was located at 9 St.Isaac's Square

Institute of Experimental Medicine

INSTITUTE OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, a research institute situated at 12 Akademika Pavlova Street. It was founded by Prince A. P. Oldenburgsky as the Imperial Institute of Experimental Medicine in 1890 to become the first multifield medical and

Institute of Haematology and Transfusion Science

INSTITUTE OF HAEMATOLOGY AND TRANSFUSION SCIENCE, Russian State Research Institute of Haematology and Transfusiology situated at 16 Second Sovetskaya Street. It was founded on the initiative of E. R

Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg

INSTITUTE OF HISTORY of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, located at 7 Petrozavodskaya Street, successor to the Archaeographic Commission. It was established in 1936 as the Leningrad Department of the Institute of History of the

Institute of History, Philosophy, and Linguistics

INSTITUTE OF HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY, AND LINGUISTICS, Leningrad, founded in 1930/31 as the History and Linguistics Institute on the basis of a history and linguistics department separated from the Leningrad State University

Institute of Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences

INSTITUTE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN of the Russian Academy of Sciences, situated at 9 Akademika Pavlova Street. It was founded in 1990 on the initiative of N. V. Bekhtereva, a member of the academy

Institute of Language and Thought of the Russian Academy of Sciences

INSTITUTE OF LANGUAGE AND THOUGHT of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, a research institution founded in 1921 as the Institute for Japhetic (European) Studies, renamed the Japhetic Institute in 1922

Institute of Northern Peoples

INSTITUTE OF NORTHERN PEOPLES, an educational research institution. It separated from the Northern Department of the Leningrad Oriental Institute in December 1929

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Branch

INSTITUTE OF ORIENTAL STUDIES of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Branch, situated at 18 Palace Square, one of the world's centres of oriental studies. It was founded as the Asian Museum on the basis of Kunstkammer's Oriental Chamber in 1818

Iofe V.V. (1938 - 2002), historian of nonconformity, public figure.

IOFE Veniamin Viktorovich (1938-2002, St. Petersburg), public figure, historian. Lived in Leningrad since 1938. Graduated from Leningrad Chemical Engineering Institute (1962)

Ioffe A.F., (1880-1960), physicist

IOFFE Abram Fedorovich (1880-I960, Leningrad), physicist, organiser of science, Member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1916), the Russian Academy of Sciences (1920)

Ioffe Physics-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

IOFFE PHYSICS-TECHNICAL INSTITUTE of the Russian Academy of Sciences, located at 26 Politekhnicheskaya Street, was established in 1918 by academician A. F. Ioffe (a director until 1951, the institute has been named after him since 1960)

Izotov S.P., (1917-1983), Designer

IZOTOV Sergey Petrovich (1917-1983, Leningrad) was a designer of aviation engines, Doctor of Industrial Technology (1968), Hero of Socialist Labour (1969). He graduated from the Faculty of Power Machine Building of Polytechnic Institute (1941)

Jacoby B.S., (1801-1874), physicist

JACOBY Boris Semenovich (Moritz Herman) (1801-1874), physicist and electrical engineer member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences from 1847. A German emmigrant, he studied at Berlin and Hettingen universities. He lived and worked in St