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Entries / Sollogub V.A. (1813-1882), writer

Struve V.V., (1889-1965), orientalist

Categories / Science. Education/Personalia

STRUVE Vasily Vasilievich (1889, St. Petersburg - 1965, Leningrad), orientalist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1935), honoured worker of science of the Uzbekistan Soviet Socialist Republic (1943). He graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of St. Petersburg in 1911. Three years later he was appointed the head of the Hermitage Department for Art and Culture of Egypt, a position he held until 1933. From 1916 to 1934 he held the professorship at Petrograd (later Leningrad) University. From 1937 to 1941, he presided over the Institute of Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In 1937, he took on offices at the Institute for Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He became head of the chair of Ancient and Medieval East (1937), director (1940-50) and the head of the department of the Ancient Near East (1958-65). He made significant contribution into the development of Egyptian studies, Sumerian studies, Assyrian studies and the epigraphy of Ancient Near East. He left nearly 400 scientific works and was a member of many scientific societies, including foreign ones. In the 1920s he lived at 68 Fifteenth Line of Vasilievsky Island, then at 27 Khalturina Street (present-day Millionnaya Street, where a memorial plaque is located) from 1948 to 1965. Struve was buried at Serafimovskoe Cemetery.

References: Ассириология и египтология: Сб. ст., посвящ. акад. В. В. Струве. Л., 1964.

T. V. Ermakova.

Struve Vasily Vasilievich

15th Line of Vasilievsky Island/Saint Petersburg, city, house 68
Millionnaya St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 27

Ассириология и египтология: Сб. ст., посвящ. акад. В. В. Струве. Л., 1964

The subject Index
Russian Academy of Sciences
State University, St. Petersburg
Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Branch
Seraphimovskoe Cemetery