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Entries / Chasseur Life Guards Regiment

Mozhaysky А.F. (1825-1890), constructor

Categories / Science. Education/Personalia
Categories / Army. Navy/Personalia

MOZHAYSKY Alexander Fedorovich (1825-1890, St. Petersburg), inventor, creator of an aircraft heavier than the air, Rear-Admiral. (1886). Graduated from the Naval Cadet School (1841). Public flight demonstrations of the models created by Mozhaysky were held in 1876 in the village of Krasnoe Selo. In 1881 he was the first in Russia to have gained a privilege for a "balloon-borne shell" he invented. In 1883 finished the construction of an aircraft with two steam engines, which crashed on the trials in 1885. In the 1870s lived at 78 Nevsky Prospect (memorial plaque). Buried at Smolenskoe Orthodox Cemetery. The Military Engineering and Space Academy was named after Mozhaysky, a monument to Mozhaysky was erected in front of the building (1958, architect А.А. Draga, sculptor G.А. Chernienko). A bust of Mozhaysky was set up at the intersection of Gatchinsky and Kingisepsky freeways near the former Krasnoselsky Military Airfield, where Mozhaysky conducted trials of his aircraft (1962, sculptors V.M. Shishkov, М.Т.Klimushin). In 1950 the village of Duderhoff was re-named Mozhaysky Village.

References: Александр Федорович Можайский - создатель первого самолета: Сб. док. М., 1955; А. Ф. Можайский - создатель первого отечественного самолета в России // Авиация в России. М., 1988. С. 29-82.

V. V. Cheparukhin.

Chernienko Grigory Alexandrovich
Draga (Dragi) Alexander Adolfovich
Klimushin Mikhail Nikiforovich
Mozhaysky Alexander Fedorovich
Shishkov Vyacheslav Yakovlevich

Gatchinskoe Freeway/Saint Petersburg, city
Kingiseppskoe Freeway/Saint Petersburg, city
Nevsky prospect/Saint Petersburg, city, house 78

Александр Федорович Можайский - создатель первого самолета: Сб. док. М., 1955
А. Ф. Можайский - создатель первого отечественного самолета в России // Авиация в России. М., 1988

The subject Index
Naval Cadet Corps
Mozhaysky Military Space Engineering Academy
