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Entries / Chasseur Life Guards Regiment

Stroganov Palace

Categories / Architecture/Architectural Monuments/Palaces

STROGANOV PALACE (17 Nevsky Prospect), an architectural monument of the late Baroque period. Originally a two-storey house at the corner of Nevsky Prospect and Moika River Embankment (1738, architect M.G. Zemtsov), it was rebuilt in 1752-1754 (architect F. Rastrelli) for Baron S.G. Stroganov (see Stroganov Family). The centre of the facade overlooking Nevsky Prospect is marked out by an entrance arch, decorated with paired Corinthian columns and finished with a bow-shaped pediment bearing the Stroganov coat of arms. The window-frames of the first floor are adorned with the moulded lions muzzles, below the windows are round reliefs. The balconies feature patterned wrought railings. The gala enfilade of the Grand Hall is decorated with a moulded and painted plafond (1753, artist G. Valeriani). In 1787-1791, architect F.I. Demertsov constructed two outbuildings, redesigned some palace interiors in the Neoclassical style and created the Mineral Study and Picture Gallery. In the 1790s, architect A.N. Voronikhin reconstructed the southern building, designed the Physical Study in Egyptian style and refurbished the front dining-room and the small sitting room; renewed the front staircase and the Grand Hall. In the first half of the 19th century different works in the Stroganov Palace were carried out under the direction of architects I.F. Kolodin, I. I. Charlemagne and P.S. Sadovnikov. Since 1756, Count A. S. Stroganov (1733-1811) owned the palace. Among his visitors were D.I. Fonvizin, G.R. Derzhavin, I.A. Krylov, N.I. Gnedich, D.S. Bortnyansky and V.A. Zhukovsky. The palace treasured a rich collection of paintings (now kept in the State Hermitage Museum). In 1918, the Stroganov Palace was nationalised, in 1919 in its premises a museum was opened, and after its abolition in 1929 - the Institute of Applied Botany was located here. From 1939-88, scientific-research establishments for the Ministry of Shipbuilding were located in the palace. During the Siege of 1941-44, Stroganov Palace suffered considerable damage, in 1948-54 and 1966-67 it was restored. In 1988-91, it was given over to the Russian Museum and became its branch (the building is undergoing comprehensive restoration, its halls house temporary displays from the reserves of the Russian Museum).

References: Трубинов Ю. В. Строгановский дворец. СПб., 1996; Кузнецов С. О. Дворцы Строгановых. СПб., 1998.

S. V. Boglachev.

Bortnyansky Dmitry Stepanovich
Charlemagne Iosif Iosifovich
Demertsov Fedor Ivanovich
Derzhavin Gavriil Romanovich
Fonvizin Denis Ivanovich
Gnedich Nikolay Ivanovich
Kolodin Ivan Fedorovich
Krylov Ivan Andreevich
Rastrelli Francesco de
Sadovnikov Peter Semenovich
Stroganov Alexander Sergeevich, Count
Stroganov Sergey Grigorievich, Baron
the Stroganovs
Valeriani Giuseppe
Voronikhin Andrey Nikiforovich
Zemtsov Mikhail Grigorievich
Zhukovsky Vasily Andreevich

Moika River Embankment/Saint Petersburg, city
Nevsky prospect/Saint Petersburg, city
Nevsky prospect/Saint Petersburg, city, house 17

Трубинов Ю. В. Строгановский дворец. СПб., 1996
Кузнецов С. О. Дворцы Строгановых. СПб., 1998

The subject Index
Siege of 1941-44
Russian Museum, State


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